Wednesday, February 15, 2006

In a Land with Capital Punishment The Old Oak Tree Has Other Virtues

Posted by Matthew Crouch at 22:28

The Experiencing Belgium blogette of the day is about another annoying Move On dot Org e-mail posting urging me to contact my Ohio Senator Mike Deswine's (Yeah I know Dewine, "oink oink" I mean "wink wink"). Personally I find Move On's do gooder calls to actions sickeningly saccharine but better that than nothing. So with that in mind: To Move On dot Org in response to your helpful e-mail asking me to contact my representative -the Dewine office answered my transatlantic call and I explained very briefly the Move On dot Org issue as I understand it. Unfortunately I was not as articulate over the phone as I am capable of being here in writing. The Deswine office was courteous and simultaneously unconcerned if not altogether condescending - I felt like I was just being humored, in the end, so to speak. Personally though I would only understand politics at present if the Bush/Cheney administration were all hung at dawn by their necks from the old oak tree - you know the one - with all those yellow ribbons on it - for brazenly turning American foreign policy into crimes against humanity.
If Move On would like a good lesson in Democracy in action, ironically, we could begin by taking a closer look at the Hamas social and community service efforts in Palestine which paid off in the votes that we in the West aren't happy with and are apparantly not going to tolerate. We must admit this fact about Palestine rather we like it or not and we therefore we have no right with all our calls for Democracy to deny Palestine the funding they are entitled to. Like it or not we Americans cannot at this time call Hamas a terrorist organization for that would be like the pot calling the kettle black for we have similar foreign policies. Anyway given this unlikely comparison which government has more blood on their hands to account for? Sadly We the People must come to understand that the great American experiment in Democracy failed decades ago so let's begin to admit this to ourselves. We must start by holding our leaders accountable with their very lives - we are a nation that endorses capital punishment along with bearing arms if neccessary so this would be consistant with our constitution (rather brutal but it will get the politicians attention since we are supposed to be a Democracy and not an Imperialist Corporate-ocracy/economic dictatorship). After all it would only be fair to our dead American soldiers and the people of Iraq and elsewhere caught in harms way from the American's brutal Iron Heel of greed. I cannot say the Bush Administration or my Deswine Ohio representative understand the human degree of consequence their frivolous and corporate greed sponsored decision making is all about. Neither am I convinced the Democrats and the good folks at Move On dot Org grasp the seriousness of the consequences of our beloved Imperial America. We the People of the United States are guilty of the various atrocities our Nation carries out around the world - We the People do not want blood on our hands that is not even of our choosing in exchange for corporate profit for a few cowboy Oligarch and their naughty wives. Shame on us.

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