Saturday, January 28, 2006

Moving On Without MoveOn

Posted by Matthew Crouch at 00:05

Today in my inbox with nearly 500 unread e-mails in my Microsoft Outlook e-mail program I received a mild plea from the folks at MoveOn dot Org asking me to call my Ohio Senator Mike DeWine who I affectionately like to refer to as Mike DeSwine asking him not to endorse the Alito Judiciary nomination. If I called my Senator, MoveOn asked me to give them a reply with the message I left. Oh this just almost feels like Democracy in action don't it? Gives me goose bumps even! However, reality being what it is an all, I made a transatlantic call from my desk here at the Experiencing Belgium Head Quarters and found my do nothing Senator Mike De Swine ineffective at even receiving voice mail - such is Democracy Ohio style! So this was my reply to the MoveOn query. Personally I don't think MoveOn is an actual political action organization I think they are just a facade to a Gallup like brand of a poll of the American pulse - with that in mind here is the pulse as heard from we here at Experiencing Belgium dot commie.

To MoveOn: The DeWine voice mail "box" was full. Typical Ohio politicians for you! If I would have gotten through I would have told the Senator to relax his stance on Alito and lead Ohio away from the Taft family's tyrranical and dictatorial hold on my home state - As usual though this is all too typical of an Economic Dictatorship that tries to export "Democracy" with Imperialistic methods. Don't forget that Democracy is something to strive for but it is naturally unachievable. Certainly DeWine would not have understood any of this - Nor would anyone in Washington or probably the well meaning folks at MoveOn. Once upon a time in Ohio being a contrarian was considered a virtue… Don't even get me started on James, Kent State Killer, Rhodes and his memorial skyrise in downtown Columbus built shamelessly in his lifetime!Sincerely, cranky, ex-pat Matt Crouch, writing to you from La Villette, Belgium.

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