Saturday, February 14, 2004

After Having Watched General Electric's Nightly News on NBC

Posted by Matthew Crouch at 15:27

February 12, 2004

What’s wrong with this country? Where is my country? Where is my United States of America?

We have democracy, but we’ve forgotten what that’s about. There are questions about the legitimacy of the outcome of elections, but we’ve forgotten that the protection of minorities is the cornerstone of democracy. After religion, race, gender, which groups can be the scapegoat to defer from real and important issues?

We have a great constitution, but we’ve forgotten what that’s about. How can you assure that this latest target minority remains excluded from equal protection? By legislating morality, by amending the constitution so it becomes a basis for exclusion instead of inclusion. If we find it so important to be free to be religious, where is our compassion? Where is our concern for our fellow human being? Do we know our commandments?

We have freedom of speech, but we’ve forgotten what that’s about. What do we believe in? The human body should be regarded as unsightly and unnatural. Certain words should not be spoken. Now, certain ideas should not be expressed, and certain questions should no longer be asked. Unless, of course, they play a part in a corporate strategy.

We have a desire to partake in the community of nations, but we’ve forgotten what that’s about. Corporate freedom of speech, the freedom to manipulate, distort, devise realities, has to be safeguarded at any cost. Not only through the daily violation of our intelligence through advertising and editorial infiltration, but on a global scale. After colonization, world dominance, which lucrative wars can be the means for extracting revenue and resources from other nations and people?

written by my better half

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

The 3B's and the fate of the BBC

Posted by Matthew Crouch at 16:51

The 3B's and the fate of the BBC?

Bush/Blair/Berlusconi and the fate of the BBC...

Its simple mathematics.

The end of informative critical analysis for the masses.

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