Saturday, June 12, 2004

This Entry is Best Read While Channeling The Speaking Voice of Lady Thatcher

Posted by Matthew Crouch at 23:08

While riding my bicycle during this rainy autumn like June day here in Bru-town through the Arab shop area, just like those old time Jewish Shops of bygone pre-World War II New York City, on my way home from the swimming pool I came upon a bit of a shock. This is the route I frequently bicycle but during today's ride things suddenly became different when I passed some sort of Jewish building, museum or cultural establishment which was being unusually guarded by special security forces replete with automatic rifles. I became especially irritated when with the cars moving about I had to bicycle past the armed guard standing in the boulevard median on my left. My leg came within direct gunshot range when the the tip of the sexy armed gunman's rifle which was aimed more or less toward the ground came within not ten inches of my leg, so I brazenly sneered at him which pleased me enormously.

It is certainly not racist to ask difficult questions about difficult subjects and I don't want to see Israeli like public security measures tolerated in this part of the world. Fine if Israel wants to create a security state like it has. Fine if the Israeli's want to carry on civilian life with guns and bullets and tanks to protect themselves while their government acts irresponsibly perpetuating what is more than just a war like situation with their immediate neighbors. Fine if the Americans want to secure the embassy here in Brussels in Israeli tactical maximum security state measures, which let me tell you is not a pleasant or civilized way to deal with that bureaucratic necessity. I mean at some point we as citizens in a civil society have to say We the People do not want to be treated with persistent suspicion or like criminals when we travel or when we cross borders. We do not want our cities filled with armed security forces to protect minority interests who are sympathetic to inhumane and questionable persecution i.e.) Israel and their treatment lately of the Palestinians. It is not being anti Jewish to discuss these things for whenever there are guns in society difficult questions must continued to be asked. I for one don't want to live in a maximum security prison state so that corporations or other entities can act irresponsibly elsewhere on the planet.

Isn't it typical that our governments throw the word TERRORISM around to justify arming up social structures in these IRON HEEL like ways (read the book by Jack London). Isn't it curious though how the efforts of terrorists jive nicely with those governmental-ist ideas of creating maximum security like prison states to control it's citizenry with. Funny how the very government back home complains about the cost of security to fight Terrorism are probably also the same Corporatist's profiting from the government spending on security and weaponry.

Every time the American conservatives declare war whether on another state or a social issue like the War on Terror, The War on Drugs, etc. We loose another piece of our fragile free society and exchange it for a state of social paranoia placated by weaponry to ensure our sense of freedom. But then again the American's have always had a shameless fascination with guns.

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