Monday, January 19, 2004
Consider This While You Fill Up Your Automobile's Gas Tank
Posted by Matthew Crouch at 23:45News here today in cold damp Belgium is about Iraq wanting to form its own elected government - The Americans under Bush should be so lucky, so inspired to take to the streets like the Iraqis wanting to taste democracy for the first time in how many generations?
The American elected officials namely congressmen seem to have a oil/corporatist agenda of their own. Their agenda is for the financial means to guarantee re-election since in the states the office always goes to the highest bidder. The corporate pawn politicians agenda in Iraq is to insure a interim dictatorship in the name of democracy to protect their profit/exploitation potential. They need as much time as possible for the ink to dry, to set the legality of this guarantee, on paper for the worlds international courts.
Honestly it is humiliating listening to "officials" in the states discuss this since they blatantly know so little about life outside of their own constituencies. In reality Iraq is a nation of generally rather well educated individuals. The states seems to like to paint this picture of Islamic anarchy that is pervasive throughout the gulf which is not necessarily the case - despite all the violence the ever objective and totally unbiased for profit "news corporations" display upon broadcast television daily. The other issue that the US seems to ignore is the positive possibilities because Iraq is a religious country despite its denominational divisions. Balancing the rights of the minority and the majority will be something the folks there will do under the eyes of their creator and their own conscience. The first priority that unifies their division is get the Americans out for the Americans are a wrench in the system. The wrench did its work. The thing is the wrench wants to cash in excessively on oil rights first before it departs. This method seems to ignore the needs of a new democracy. Iraq is going to need all the money that nation has a land/oil right to for the soul purpose of restoring their state infrastructure after dictatorial mismanagement and the US "war" of military policing.
It is time we in the west show some respect and trust toward the very nations our historic Imperialist designs have ruined. Perhaps it is this history that creates our mistrust to let people of Iraq govern themselves. We should consider it our duty as citizens of a powerful democracy to begin to learn a thing or two about Iraq's various religious sects and creeds. We could begin to trust them to forgive us for our history of foreign policies so we can truly help enable them to run their own nations as they not we see fit. If we the Americans walk away from Iraq now we might see a genuine democracy in Iraq emerge. The kind of democracy that the world hasn't seen since the early days of the US. This is what the world looks to when it models itself on American styled Democracy. The world does not look to the present day twentieth century styled US corporate-ocracy that the Bush family presently presides over. A corporate-ocracy that was fostered by likes of Sigmund Freud's nephew Edward Bernays and embellished over the years by senators like McCarthy. Not sure what that is about then watch the BBC's remarkable four hour documentary The Century of the Self.
Maybe its time the oil corporations let go of their perpetual greedy drive for oil/land rights and let the oil under Iraq fund the land of the people where the oil comes from for a change. Just look at the history of the Dutch SHELL oil company around the globe for a well documented account of how oil corporations can make the poor of the world even poorer. By pumping profits out from under the feet of literal poor and hungry nations of people who for all the industrial intrusion of the oil see no financial benefit to their lives or statehood.
Lets face it every oil company around the world likes a good dictator disrupting the land and democratic intentions of every struggling nation, imperialists abroad always have. Consider these things when you stand at the gas pump filling the fuel tank of your automobile. We are all guilty.
Sunday, January 04, 2004
Note to Avigon
Posted by Matthew Crouch at 13:36Beste Wensen and muchos gracias to Avigon for commenting on the Kapelletje Rising or Scary Mary entry essay below and for providing the acurate spelling for a Kapelletje.